1st digit : version
2nd digit : engine manufacturer
- 0 = General Electric
- 1 = CFM International
- 2 = Pratt and Whitney
- 3 = IAE (International Aero Engines)
- 4 = Rolls Royce
- 6 = Alliance (for the A380)
3rd digit : engine type (depends on the aircraft model)
Note that this nomenclature does NOT apply to early versions of the 300, e.g. B1, B2-1C, B2K-3C and B4-2C), all powered by GE CF6-50C2R.
For the A300-600, the nomenclatures B4 (passenger), C4 (combi) and F4 (freighter) are still used.
You may also see the following codes :
CJ = Corporate Jet (A319)
E = Extended range (A319CJ, A330 and A340)
ET = Extended twin (ETOPS, for the A310 only)
F = Freighter
R = Extended range (A300-600)
A300B2 – Short to medium range B4 – medium to long range (40% more fuel capacity than B2) 600 – medium to long range (23% more fuel capacity than B4) 600R – medium to long range development of the 600 with wing fences 600ST – Beluga B2-1A = CF6-50A |
A310200 – medium to long range 300 – medium to long range (24% more fuel capacity than 200)
-203 = CF6-80A3 |
A318 -111 = CFM56-5B8/P -112 = CFM56-5B9/P -121 = PW6122 -122 = PW6124 |
A319 -111 = CFM56-5B5/P -112 = CFM56-5B6/P -113 = CFM56-5A4 -114 = CFM56-5A5 -115 = CFM56-5B7/P -131 = IAE V2522-A5 -132 = IAE V2524-A5 -133 = IAE V2527M-A5 |
A320100 original version 200 development with wing fences -111= CFM56-5A1 |
A321 -111 = CFM56-5B1 -112 = CFM56-5B2 -131 = IAEV2530-A5 -211 = CFM56-5B3/P -212 = CFM56-5B1 or CFM565B1/2 -213 = CFM56-5B2 -231 = IAEV2533-A5 -232 = IAEV2530-A5 |
A330 -202 = CF6-80E1A4 -203 = CF6-80E1A3 -223/323 = PW4168A -243/343 = Trent 772-B60 -301 = CF6-80E1A2 -302 = CF6-80E1A4 -321 = PW4164 -322 = PW4168 -341 = Trent 768-60 -342 = Trent 772-60 -343 = Trent 772B-60/C-60 |
A340 -211/311 = CFM56-5C2 -212/312 = CFM56-5C3 -213/313 = CFM56-5C4 -541 = Trent 553-61 -542 = Trent 556A2-61 (Thanks to A342) -642 = Trent 556-61 -643 = Trent 560A2-61 |
A350XWB800 – 59 meters 900 – 64.9 meters 1000 – 73.9 meters 80x- GEnx |
A380 -841 = Trent 970-84 or 970B-84. -842 = Trent 972-84 or 972B-84 -861 = GP 7270 |
ST = Super transporter (only A300-600ST “Beluga”)
Thank you to Ptrjong, A342, RichardPrice, NW and Ingo for contributing to this page.